The RHDA is excited to host the 2022 ScotDance Canada Championship Series, July 6-10 2022!
Registrations are open now for all events.
Full details are available at https://scotdance.ca/sdccs/
The RHDA is excited to host the 2022 ScotDance Canada Championship Series, July 6-10 2022!
Registrations are open now for all events.
Full details are available at https://scotdance.ca/sdccs/
Congratulations Dancers – you represented the RHDA in New Brunswick with spirit, class and grace, and we are so PROUD of you!
For further details and results, go to the RHDA newsletter here.
SAVE THE DATE!!! The RHDA is proud to welcome Rebecca Thow to Regina as the instructor for our January Workshop (January 18-20, 2019).
Rebecca’s dancing career began at the tender age of 2 with the Rosaline Hendry School of Dance in Ellon, Scotland. Rebecca currently lives in Calgary, and dances with the Gillie Callum Highland Dancers.
She attends Mount Royal University studying Physical Literacy. Rebecca loves to dance and has been afforded the opportunity to compete all over the
world, and she enjoys being a part of the Highland community in each spot she visits.
Throughout her competitive career, Rebecca has won many titles including
Commonwealth, European, British, Scottish, North American and Canadian
championships. In 2017 Rebecca was able to achieve a dream she’s had since being a young dancer by winning the Adult World Championship title.
While she loves competing, she also enjoys performing in different events showing her love of dance. Some highlights include the 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony and the SOBHD 60th Anniversary concert.
Rebecca is excited to be coming to teach this workshop in Regina and is looking forward to meeting you all.
I hope everyone stayed safe and warm with yesterday’s major power outage! I followed the SaskPower blog and saw all the red indicating the massive scale our province was experiencing.
If you work, or know some one who works for SaskPower, let them know I’m not prepared for a world without power!!!! Thank them.
Mark your calendars, registration for our November 3-4, competition and workshop open next week!!
You can register at Eventry to register on Monday, October 1, but you can see the registration form here. Final – PDF 3Nov18 Competition Entry 🙂
Reminder, last to register is the first to dance.
** The RHDA will also be ‘Buying Back’ medals for $1 should you want to lighten your load. If you are bringing back more than 25, please contact Lisa directly.
Hello to a new dance season (a season of knee-high socks)!!! Mark your calendars for our in-person registration times and location.
Heritage United Church – 1050N Arnason St.
(accross from the NW Leisure Centre)
The 2018-19 Membership Form is ready so please take a few minutes to note the changes. While there are no RHDA changes this year as mentioned at our Summer AGM in July, there has been a recent Sask Highland fee increase announcement. This has been added to the form and is only for competitive members – this is for anyone who is planning on taking out a SOBHD card. The added fee is collected by the RHDA and then passed directly on to SKHDA.
As always, we wish everyone a fantastic season of Highland Dance!
Where did the summer go! 🙁
As the leaves change and summer holidays quickly come to an end, we look forward to school 🙂
Please watch your emails and follow us on Facebook for 2018-19 RHDA registration details.
Yesterday our community celebrated the life of a talented and lovely young dancer. Our hearts were broken to hear about her passing, but warmed with the highland dance community that came from near and far to show love and support to her family.
We share the Dress Purple Lognidry ribbon in honour of this beautiful daughter, sister, grand-daughter, niece, cousin, and friend.
Thank you to all of you for being there for the family and each other, and continuing to be there.
Okay, so I’m a few days late (or 30 <insert sad face>); either way, Happy 2018!!!
With that, sign-up for our March 3 &4, Competition and Workshop will open February 1, on eventry.net. We hope to you see you there <insert smiley face>.
Registration form can be seen here: 2018MarchRHDAEntry.
Mark your calendar, January 19-21, 2018. We are very pleased to have Laura Donlan from New York as our teacher for this workshop.
Laura has been competing in highland dancing since the age of 8, and has competed throughout the United States, Canada and Scotland. She has competed at 24 consecutive United States Championships and has qualified for the World Championships numerous times. She is also a member of the Scottish Dance Teachers Alliance (SDTA) and recently became a Scottish Official Board of Highland Dance (SOBHD) judge. She has done workshops throughout Canada, Scotland and the United States.
Laura is also a physical therapist, practicing since 2009, who has worked in outpatient and inpatient settings. She is a practicing physical therapist in the state of New York and received her doctorate from Upstate Medical University. She has taken courses in dance rehab, spine injuries, and taping.
Register now; teachers can earn CPD for attending.